
Stephan Zanker Industrieanlagenplanung GmbH
Alte Seestr. 21
D-83233 Bernau am Chiemsee


Telephon:   +49 172 84 22 871


Eintragung im Handelsregister.
Registergericht: Amtsgericht München
Registernummer: HRB 129235

Executive Director

Stephan Zanker


Liability for contents

According to § 6 para.1 MDStV (= Mediendienstestaatsvertrag, national media services treaty) and § 8 para.1 TDG (= Teledienstegesetz, law on electronic information and communication services) we as an operator of the pages are responsible for the content according to general laws. The content of the pages was drawn up with utmost care. However, we do not assume any liability for the information provided being correct, complete and up-to-date.

Liability for links

Stephan Zanker Industrieanlagenplanung GmbH`s homepage refers to other internet pages (links). The operators of Stephan Zanker Industrieanlagenplanung GmbH`s homepage do not have any influence on the content of the linked pages. They have been thoroughly checked before including these links. Nevertheless, it cannot be excluded that the operators of the respective pages made changes as regards content, which offend against applicable law or the philosophy Stephan Zanker Industrieanlagenplanung GmbH`s. Stephan Zanker Industrieanlagenplanung GmbH`s dissociates itself from such content.


Publications on these pages are subject to German copyright. Duplication, processing, spreading and any type of exploitation outside the copyright borders require the written consent of Stephan Zanker Industrieanlagenplanung GmbH`s. Contributions of third parties are marked respectively. Downloads and copies of this page are only permitted for private but not for commercial use.
